Noctua Oil, LLC

​Tim Hurst

​Mr. Hurst has an extensively diversified and successful 30+ year career in the oil & gas industry.  After graduating from Rice University (Materials Engineering / Geology) in 1981 he joined the Hughes Tool Company, serving in a variety of capacities including manufacturing, product R&D, field engineering and international projects.  The primary focus of his work at Hughes was materials development for the cutting elements of drill bits and he has been granted U.S. Patents for his work in this area.  He added to his experience in senior technical and managerial positions with Vetco Gray, Varel Manufacturing and Reed Tool.

In 1998, Tim entered the exploration field.  He has developed successful drilling projects in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, covering all areas from geology through drilling, completion and production management.  Among his accomplishments during this time, one of his prospects was the discovery well for the Brooklyn Field in Alabama and he has led the technical efforts for the startup of three independent oil companies.  Tim's breadth of experience in both geology and engineering provides significant value to the clients and investors of Noctua Oil.stom 

Noctua Oil, LLC  Alabama Smackover Limestone Prospect Highlights:

* Nick Ross 24-11 #2 - Developed for Columbia Petroleum, this well is a part of the Little Cedar Creek Field in Conecuh County, AL.  The well has produced in excess of 500,000 barrels to date with an expected ultimate recovery of over 1MM barrels.

​* Amos 36-3 - Developed for Fletcher Petroleum, this was the discovery well for the Brooklyn Field.  The well has produced over 400,000 barrels with anticipated ultimate recovery of over 1MM barrels.

* Godwin 36-1 - This well is an offset to the Amos 36-3 for Fletcher Petroleum.  The well has produced over 250,000 barrels with anticipated ultimate recovery of 700,000 barrels.

* Appleton Prospect Group - This is 23 well prospect targeting areas near the Appleton Field in Conecuh & Escambia Counties.  An 80% WI was sold in 2014 to Energy Corporation of America.  Presently under development.

* S.W. Range Prospect -  This three well prospect targets an expansion of the underexploited and improperly developed Southwest Range Field in partnership with Longleaf Energy, Inc.  The first well is anticipated to be drilled in March 2015.